Comparative optic and dosimetric characterization of the HYPERSCINT scintillation dosimetry research platform for multipoint applications

This study introduces the HYPERSCINT research platform (HYPERSCINT-RP100, Medscint Inc., Quebec, Canada), the first commercially available scintillation dosimetry platform capable of multi-point dosimetry through the hyperspectral approach.

Phys Med Biol. 2021
E.Jean (1,2,3), F.Therriault-Proulx (4), L.Beaulieu (1,2) | Département de physique, génie physique et optique, et Centre de recherche sur le cancer, Université Laval, Québec, CA , Département de radio-oncologie et Axe Oncologie du CRCHU de Québec, QC, CA, Département de radio-oncologie du CIUSSS-MCQ, CHAUR de Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, MedScint, QC, CA

Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evaluation of the HYPERSCINT Scintillation Dosimetry Research Platform

The purpose of this work is to evaluate the HYPERSCINT scintillation dosimetry research platform (Medscint Inc., Quebec City, Canada) designed for clinical QA for use in in-vivo dosimetry measurements.

2020 AAPM AM
I.Schoepper, E.Trestrail, S.Dieterich, M.Kent | WR Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine UC Davis School Of Veterinary Medicine, Pacific Crest Medical Physics ,Chico, CA, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, Surgical and Radiological Sciences, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA

Dosimetric Characterization of the HYPERSCINT Scintillation Dosimetry Research Platform for Multipoint Applications

Multipoint detectors are very interesting toward developing new phantoms and making measurements in constrained space. This study aims at assessing the performance of the HYPERSCINT dosimetry research platform (Medscint inc., Québec, Canada) with a high spatial resolution 3-point plastic scintillation detector for application to high energy photon beam dosimetry.

2020 AAPM AM
E.Jean, F.Therriault-Proulx, L.Beaulieu | CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, CA, Medscint, QC, CA , Centre Hospitalier Univ de Québec, Québec, QC, CA

Development of An Automated Routine for Finding the Precise Location of Scintillators Elements and Their Emission Spectrum in a Multi-Point Scintillation Detector

The goal of this study is to develop an approach allowing for calibration of multi-point scintillation detector (mPSD) using only the photon beam from a linear accelerator such that it doesn’t depend on the availability of other irradiation modalities (e.g. orthovoltage irradiators). This study also aims at determining an experimental method to validate the spatial position of the different scintillators within the mPSD.

2020 AAPM AM
B.Lessard (1,2), F.Larose (1,2), F.Berthiaume (1,2,3), S.Lambert-girard (1,2,3), F.Therriault-Proulx (3), L.Archambault (1,2) | Département de physique, génie physique et optique, et Centre de recherche sur le cancer, Université Laval, Québec, CA , CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, CA, MedScint, QC, CA

Development and characterization of an optical fiber-based Cerenkov dosimeter

This study introduces a novel hybrid Cerenkov-scintillation dosimeter

E.Jean (1,2,3), S.Lambert-girard (3), F.Therriault-Proulx (3), L.Beaulieu (1,2) | CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, CA, Département de radio-oncologie et Axe Oncologie du CRCHU de Québec, QC, CA, MedScint, QC, CA

Small field dosimetry of a Varian TrueBeam High Definition MLC linear accelerator using theHyperscint RP200 scintillation detector.

To evaluate the performance of the new Hyperscint RP200 plastic scintillator for small field measurements of a Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator in comparison with the current state-of-the-art methodology in the clinic.

L.Gingras, B.Côté, F.Berthiaume, S.Lambert-Girard, D.Leblanc, L.Archambault, L.Beaulieu, F.Therriault-Proulx | CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, CA, Département de radio-oncologie et Axe Oncologie du CRCHU de Québec, QC, CA, MedScint, QC, CA

Development of a Novel Hybrid Scintillation-Cerenkov Detector for Simultaneous Dose and Irradiation Angle Measurements

This study introduces a novel hybrid detector capable of simultaneous dose and direct irradiation angle measurements based on Cerenkov angular dependency.

2021 AAPM AM
E.Jean (1,2), S.Lambert-girard (3), F.Therriault-Proulx (3), L.Beaulieu (1) | CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, CA, CHAUR, Trois-Rivieres, QC, CA , MedScint, QC, CA

Deformable Scintillation Dosimeter: II. Real-Time Simultaneous Measurements of Dose and Tracking of Deformation Vector Fields

This article introduces a novel deformable dosimeter that can measure the dose distribution and track the deformation of a material during radiotherapy treatments using the HYPERSCINT dosimetry system. The dosimeter is made of an array of 19 scintillating fiber detectors embedded in a cylindrical elastomer matrix. It is imaged by two pairs of stereoscopic cameras that record the position, angulation and dose of the scintillators.

Physics in Medicine & Biology
Emily Cloutier (1,2), Luc Beaulieu(1,2), Louis Archambault (1,2) | 1. Service de physique médicale et Axe Oncologie du Centre de recherche, CHU de Québec-Université Laval, Canada, 2. Département de physique, de génie physique et d’optique, et Centre de recherche sur le cancer, Université Laval, Québec, Canada