Field output correction factors using a fully characterized plastic scintillation detector (HYPERSCINT RP-200)

As small fields become increasingly important in radiation therapy, accurate dosimetry is essential for ensuring precise dose calculation and treatment optimization. Despite the availability of small volume detectors, small field dosimetry remains challenging. The new plastic scintillation detector (PSD) from the HYPERCINT RP-200 platform from Medscint offers a promising solution with minimal correction requirements for small field measurements.

This study focused on characterizing the field output correction factors of the PSD across a wide range of field sizes and demonstrating its potential for determining correction factors for other small field detectors. Monte Carlo simulations and experimental comparisons were used to assess the system’s performance. The PSD exhibited near-unity correction factors (1.002 to 0.999) across field sizes between 0.6×0.6 cm² and 30×30 cm², with an impressive total uncertainty of 0.5%.

The PSD is shown to be a highly accurate and reliable detector for small field dosimetry, and it can also be used to determine correction factors for other dosimeters with great precision.

Luc Gingras (1,2), Yunuen Cervantes (1,2,3), Frederic Beaulieu (1,2), Magali Besnier (1,2), Benjamin Coté (4), Simon Lambert-Girard (4), Danahé LeBlanc (4), Yoan LeChasseur (4), François Therriault-Proulx (4), Luc Beaulieu (1,2,3), Louis Archambault (1,2,3) | 1. CHU de Québec–Université Laval, Québec – Canada, 2. Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Québec – Canada, 3. Université Laval, Québec – Canada, 4. Medscint, Québec – Canada

M-TAG: A Modular Teaching-Aid for Geant4

The article introduces M-TAG, a Geant4-based simulation tool for various physics applications, comparing it with similar tools like GATE, TOPAS, and GAMOS. M-TAG was employed to model and validate the HYPERSCINT detector’s performance. Additionally, it was used as an educational tool to teach a new user how to simulate and test the Hyperscint detector using Geant4.

Liam Carroll (1,2), Shirin A. Enger (1,2) | 1. Medical Physics Unit, Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2. Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, H3T 1E2, Canada

Use of a Commercial Plastic Scintillation Detector for Determination of Detector-Specific Small Field Output Correction Factors of Other Detectors

The goal of this work is to determine small field output correction factors of various detectors using the HYPERSCINT plastic scintillation detector as a reference and to compare values with current available data. The simple and well understood composition and geometry of the scintillation detector make it ideal to be used as a reference detector for the evaluation of field output correction factors. Field size dependent correction factors have been extracted for different detectors and show limited discrepancies with current available data. This may potentially be attributed to inter detector variability or other methodological uncertainties in published data.

M.Besnier (1), F.Beaulieu (1), F.Berthiaume (1,2), Y.Cervantes Espinosa (1), B.Côté (2), S.Lambert-girard (1,2), D.Leblanc (1,2), Y.Lechasseur (2), F.Therriault-Proulx (2), L.Archambault (1), L.Beaulieu (1), L.Gingras (1) | 1- CHU de Quebec – Universite Laval, QC, Canada, 2- MEDSCINT, QC, Canada

Orthovoltage to Monoenergetic Photon Beam Energy Correction Factor for HyperScint Scintillation Dosimeter

The scintillator dosimetry system is a small-field dosimeter with reported energy independence down to 100-keV. This work investigates the energy dependence of the scintillator between a monoenergetic photon source and polyenergetic orthovoltage beam.

B. Insley, D. Bartkoski, L. Che Fru, M. Salehpour | M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

External beam irradiation angle measurement using Cerenkov emission

In this study, we propose a novel approach designed to take advantage of the Cerenkov angular dependency to perform a direct measurement of an external beam radiation angle of incidence. The detector offers promising perspectives for external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy applications.

E.Jean (1,2,3), S.Lambert-girard (4), F.Therriault-Proulx (4), L.Beaulieu (1,2) | 1- Département de physique, génie physique et optique, et Centre de recherche sur le cancer, Université Laval, QC, Canada, 2- Département de radio-oncologie et Axe Oncologie du CRCHU de Québec, QC, CA, 3- Département de radio-oncologie du CIUSSS-MCQ, CHAUR de Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, 4- MEDSCINT, QC, Canada