External beam irradiation angle measurement using Cerenkov emission
In this study, we propose a novel approach designed to take advantage of the Cerenkov angular dependency to perform a direct measurement of an external beam radiation angle of incidence. The detector offers promising perspectives for external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy applications.
E.Jean (1,2,3), S.Lambert-girard (4), F.Therriault-Proulx (4), L.Beaulieu (1,2) | 1- Département de physique, génie physique et optique, et Centre de recherche sur le cancer, Université Laval, QC, Canada, 2- Département de radio-oncologie et Axe Oncologie du CRCHU de Québec, QC, CA, 3- Département de radio-oncologie du CIUSSS-MCQ, CHAUR de Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, 4- MEDSCINT, QC, Canada